Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Oct 26 Changes Are Happening at Stamp With Shel....

 Good Morning Stampers! ðŸ™‚


I am writing to you today to explain some exciting new changes that are happening at Stamp With Shel.

As we all know, COVID and the effects of the pandemic have affected all of us!  We have been sick, scared, anxious, frustrated, lost loved ones, lost jobs, lost homes, and even lost our businesses.  Times have been tough!

Well, my Stamp With Shel business has had tough times this past couple of years; and to be honest, there have been a few of times that I thought I  would not be able to stay afloat, and I would be forced to close. 

However, determination, hard work, long hours, perseverance, and constantly adapting my business model have managed to keep me afloat. My business model was forced online, in order for me to continue.

Starting this week, I am making more changes; and I believe they are going to be positive changes for you; and make my business practices more streamlined and in the end, less time-consuming for me.

As you know I work full time 80 hours a week job and have an hour-a-day commute.  I also work a minimum of 3-4 hours each evening for my Stamp With Shel business designing cards, taping videos, cutting card kits, writing tutorials, printing, creating posts, etc etc.

This is all very time-consuming, and I need to streamline this process as I am frankly getting burnt out and cannot continue at this pace.

Here are the changes:

1.     My blog will become the hub of my business.  

Whenever you are looking for the most up to date information, the latest projects, the current sales and promotions…you must go to my blog:

I guarantee that ALL the information I have put out will be on my blog.  Other social media platforms will not have all the information and will be linked back to my blog.  

Also, when you comment on a post or ask a question on my blog I will get an email notification so that I can respond to you.


2.      I will continue with 3 video tutorials per week:

Tuesday @ noon Lunch Break With Shel- blog, Facebook, YouTube

Wednesday @ 6:30 Facebook Live- after Live it will be posted on blog and YouTube

Thursday @ noon Lunch Break With Shel- blog, Facebook, and YouTube


I believe these videos keep us connected and provide value to my customers in that they can see how the cards are made and ask questions during the videos.  Also, they can re-watch and start and stop the video when they are creating the cards at a later date.


3.       For each card I post, I will post a link where you can download a FREE tutorial. This link will be active for ONE WEEK or until I need the space in my Google Drive. You will have a complete supply list and instructions for every card I post.

 I believe this is offering you extreme value and is a service I will provide in appreciation for your continued support. If you want the tutorials, you must regularly visit my blog and save the files to your computer or print them. Once the link in the blog post does not work, it is gone forever.


4.     Weekly workshop orders will continue to go in on Wednesday mornings at 5:30 am unless otherwise advertised (sales). 


Please have your orders to me by 10 pm on Tuesday nights so I can be organized and ready to enter the orders at 5 am on Wednesdays.


5.     5. Anyone who places a qualifying minimum of $35 order (pre-tax and shipping) will continue to receive card kits with all the supplies needed for three cards. If you do not want these kits, please let me know at the time you place your order.


   6.  I will continue to post some content on different social media outlets, to try to gain new customers; but for current customers and followers,  know that now EVERYTHING will be posted on my blog:




7.      7.  Periodically I will offer product-based card classes.  These are available to anyone in Canada.


These classes require you to pay a fee that includes the cost for the product (usually a bundle) and, you get the products and the kits and tutorials and video links. 


They will be available for a limited time and there will be a date that you need to order by.  All orders are paid by e-transfer (or cash) by the date.


Watch my blog for more info as I am working on a SUPER CUTE and fun class right now!



Whew!  I know this is a lot!

 I hope you understand the need for these changes and I hope you are excited about the changes. 


I thank you for your continued support.



1 comment:

  1. Sounds great Shel! Wishing you all the luck with these changes!!


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