Thursday, June 6, 2024

Stamp With Shel Team Meeting Cards - Loveliest Tree Fun Fold with Reflection Technique...


These are the cards we made during my monthly team meeting. 

They are a super easy fun fold with the reflection technique and feature the Loveliest Tree Bundle.

Here is the recipe

Card Base: Crumb Cake: 5 1/2 x 6 1/2 score 4 1/4 

Inside Mat: Old Olive: 3 1/2 x 4 1/2

Inside Message Panel: Basic White: 3 x 4

Front Mat: Early Espresso: 3 1/4 x 4 1/4

Front Image Panel: Basic White: 3 x 4

Scrap for tag

Inks + Markers + Blending Brushes: Old Olive, Garden Green, Early Espresso,

Inks + Blending Brushes: Pool Party, Soft Seafoam, Balmy Blue

Silicone Mat or Acetate sheet + water spritzer

Ribbon or Twine

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