Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Enjoy Creativity....Creative Challenge


Enjoy Creativity
Creative Challenge
If you haven’t noticed, we love complementing color combinations. And what better place to find them than in the annual catalog with the In Colors!

We decided to use the 2023–2025 In Colors because we LOVE how they pair with the existing Neutrals family.

So we took cards from the 2024–2025 Annual Catalog and made new samples with those In Colors and different products.

Once we knew which colors we wanted, we showcased the Thoughtful Journey Bundle.

While Moody Mauve and Wild Wheat are the center of attention, Early Espresso, Misty Moonlight, and Mossy Meadow make the perfect foundation to highlight each of the In Colors.

Do you have a color combination you like? Try using that color scheme in a different way to really make them pop.

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