I have had so many “roles” during my life (sister, daughter, student, babysitter, clerk, pizza cook, hairdresser, barber, wife, mother, daughter in law, cleaner, cook, waitress, farm labourer, gas pump attendant, single mother, government worker, bartender, EMT- paramedic, records clerk, divorcee, Accounting Clerk, Marketing and Sales Manager) that somewhere along the way, I lost track of who “ I am”.
During my childhood, in elementary and junior high school, classmates found each weakness in me, teased me and ridiculed me for it, and generally made my life miserable. Kids can be so cruel!
High school was an even worse nightmare.
I walked away from high school truly believing that I had to change who I was, in order to survive.
I can now finally appreciate who I am, what I have done, and what I am striving to do.
How did I get here?
By becoming aware...
of all the small achievements,
of the lives I have affected,
of the good I have done,
of the mistakes I have made.
of what I have done in the past,
of what I want to do now and in the near future.
All of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly all have made me who I am today.
Instead of remembering past hurts and sadness, I choose to take that negative energy and remember the good things…..and build on that, and live a positive and happy life.
If my brain can bring up bad memories and sadness.. then it can also bring up good memories that strengthen me.
I want to cement the good- take the energy out of the bad and convert it to good.
I have learned, the key to better health, and greater happiness, is your thoughts and actions.
Be positive, know you are loved, and realize how wonderful you are!
Psalm 139... one of my many favourites Shel ~ thanks for sharing your heart ~ I LOVE who you are ~ blessings to you my friend :-) xo