Friday, April 1, 2011

Re-Inking Ink Pads & Fixing Ink Pad Accidents

Here's how to re-ink your pad - Classic or Craft!

1.     To make sure you ink the entire surface without over-loading any area, start in the upper left corner and make a 2"-wide zig-zag line to the lower right corner, giving SLIGHT pressure to the bottle as you do so. 

2.     Repeat this process from the upper right corner to the lower left corner. 

3.     If the pad is really dry, make two more passes with SLIGHT pressure to the bottle from the middle of the top to the bottom, middle of the left to the right.  This will give you plenty of ink in the center of the pad (where most people 'ink up') and will also add ink all over the pad to accommodate larger stamp images. 

4.     Then close the lid and put your pad aside to allow the ink to absorb and distribute all over the pad ... about 20 minutes should do it!

5.     Now, make a list of any Refills that need to be replaced.  You can order individual refills for every color ... or order an Assortment of 10 bottles by Color Family. 

Accidentally Getting Dark ink on a Lighter Ink Pad

We've all done it more than once ...  you're really in the groove stampin away ... and Oh My Gosh!  You put a stamp covered with dark ink onto an ink pad of a much lighter color!  YIKES!

Well ... don't panic ... it can be cleaned! 

·        Wipe the stained pad with a baby wipe to get off the dark color.  This will be easy as the ink is close to the surface.  Then reink the pad with the correct color.  There may be a 'stain' on the pad, but it's just that ... a stain "residue" but not the ink itself.

·  For a more aggressive situation (the ink stood in the pad a little too long) put the pad under water until all the ink comes out.  Now reink your pad with the correct color and you'll be back in business ... no problems!  This too may result in a stained pad but it will be just the stain, no 'bad' ink!

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